For a limited time, we are offering a free workshop on "How to deal with stress, anxiety, depression, etc." All you have to do is register. See you there!

With all of Ontario being in lockdown and no end to the global COVID-19 pandemic insight, it can be challenging to stay positive.

We are all away from our loved ones, the activities we enjoy have been put on hold, and we don’t have the anticipation of a tropical vacation to keep us going. 

Everything feels off balance and we would do just about anything to be able to drop our kids off at their grandparent’s house so we could go drink wine and eat appetizers in-person with our girlfriends. The reality is that we can’t though. And we don’t know when we will be able to do all the things that we want to. The uncertainty about what next month will look like can bring on negative emotions, and you definitely are not alone. We are all in the same storm, in different boats, struggling in our own ways. Below are some tips to help you manage your self-care and embrace positive thinking no matter what life throws your way now or in the future.

1. Look for the positives

It can be easy to focus on everything that we have had to give up or miss out over the last year, but there are also many things to be grateful for. If you take time to reflect, you can likely come up with at least a few things that have 6 ways to stay positive during covid19 fbbeen positive in your life during lock-down. Perhaps you had the opportunity to slow down after feeling constantly stretched too thin. Maybe you’ve been able to spend more quality time with your spouse, children, or pets. It could even be as simple as being grateful that you still have your health, your home, or your job when so many people around the world are struggling. Practicing this kind of gratitude can help you find perspective and focus more on all of the good things you still have in your life.

2. Avoid negativity

Social media, the news, and even pessimistic friends can impact your outlook, so get in touch with how engagement with these things is making you feel. If social media is giving you anger and anxiety, take a break from it or unfollow people or pages that detract from your well-being. If the daily news is overwhelming, reduce your consumption and focus on other areas of your life that make you feel good. Have that toxic friend that you've been keeping around but you don't know why? Now is the perfect time to distance yourself. Paying attention to what is negatively impacting us can make it easier to identify where we need to make changes. At the end of the day, you are the only one who can control your happiness, and only you know what factors are negatively impacting you. Small changes in your environment and where you focus your energy can make a big difference.

3. Stay connected

The pandemic has created opportunities for us all to embrace technology and stay connected with friends and family around the world. If you are feeling down, take initiative to plan a virtual girls' night or schedule calls with friends you haven’t talked to in a while. Laying in bed bingeing Netflix may feel good in the moment, but it can make you feel even worse over time. Have a shower, put on clothes that make you feel good, and jump on that video call with friends. You’ll feel better after some social interaction, and it gives you an excuse to dress up a little bit if you want to.

4. Stay active

If you have been waking up every day feeling stiff and sluggish, a lack of physical activity could be to blame for your body aches and low energy levels. Exercising releases endorphins that make us feel happier, so put on your boots for a quick stroll around the block, do a home workout, or roll out your yoga mat for an easy mood boost. Try to get outside regularly to soak up Vitamin D from the sun, take in the fresh air, make small talk with neighbours, and find small things that bring you joy. Simply getting out of the house can work wonders, especially if you've been feeling trapped inside.

5. Be productive

If you’ve been looking around at your messy house or stressing about all the things you should be doing with your free time, avoid the urge to put them off. Start small and take breaks when you need to. Even small successes add up over time and they can make you feel more accomplished. The things we avoid while we are scrolling through social media take up mental energy, so resist the urge to put them off any longer. They may even take less time than you think, leaving you wondering why you waited so long to do them. Write that email, organize that closet, repot that plant, or paint that wall that’s been nagging at you for years. Check each thing off the to-do list and celebrate your small wins.

6. Take up a hobby

Having a hobby that you enjoy can be a rewarding way to fill time, meet new friends, learn skills, and improve overall wellness. Try lots of different activities until you find something that sticks, or pick-up something long abandoned that you stopped making time for.

If you are looking for a hobby that you can do with just a piece of paper and something to draw with, you will find great benefit in the art of mandalas. Mandala drawing is a form of art therapy and meditation that can help you unplug, breathe and focus during challenging times in your life or as a regular part of maintaining wellness. Watching your mandala come together can make you feel accomplished and leave you feeling happier and mentally refreshed.
At Mandalas4You, we offer courses that are designed to support participants of all ages, skill levels, and abilities. Once you have learned how to create a mandala, you can recreate this relaxing activity anywhere, anytime.

For a limited time, we are offering a free course dedicated to managing COVID-19 anxiety. Sign up while it is still free! Email us to book a virtual workshop for you or a group of friends!


100 Happiness Guaranteed

Here at Mandalas4You, our priority is your happiness. If you have a problem, we will solve it. Whatever it takes. Just reach out to our Customer Happiness Team. We are here for you. Happiness Guaranteed.


Enjoy 'colouring these beautiful mandalas.


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